
This script is a little more tricky. What does it do?

  1. It takes a genbank file and a (Nucleotide) fasta file

  2. It will align the fasta to the (contig) sequences in the genbank file

  3. Then, it will filter the alignments based on the given thresholds and take the its coordinates

  4. Finally, using these coordinates it will filter the genbank file and output only a subset of the annotation features that is found inside these alignments

CLI help message

A script meant to subset a genbank annotation file based on alignments against a query (Nucleotide) FASTA file

Copyright (C) 2020 Felipe Marques de Almeida (
License: Public Domain

    falmeida-py align2subsetgbk [ -h|--help ]
    falmeida-py align2subsetgbk [ --gbk <in_gbk> --fasta <fasta> --out <out_gbk> --minid <int> --mincov <int> --culling_limit <int> --extension <int> ]

    -h --help                      Show this screen.
    -g --gbk=<in_gbk>              Gbk file for subset
    -f --fasta=<fasta>             FASTA (nucl) file for querying the gbk
    -o --out=<out_gbk>             Gbk filtered output file [Default: out.gbk].
    --extension=<int>              Base pair length to extend the flank regions in the alignment [Default: 0].
    --minid=<int>                  Min. Identity percentage for gene annotation [Default: 80].
    --mincov=<int>                 Min. Covereage for gene annotation [Default: 80].
    --culling_limit=<int>          Blast culling_limit for best hit only [Default: 1].
falmeida-py: a package to the simple distribution of my custom scripts.

Copyright (C) 2020 Felipe Marques de Almeida (
License: Public Domain

    falmeida-py [ -h|--help ] [ -v|--version ] [ --license ]
    falmeida-py <command> [ -h|--help ] [ <args>... ]

    -h --help                  Show this screen
    -v --version               Show version information
    --license                  Show LEGAL LICENSE information

    tsv2markdown               Command for rapid convertion of tsv or csv to markdown tables.
    splitgbk                   Command to split multisequence genbank files into individual files.
    align2subsetgbk            Command to subset genbank files based on alignments to a FASTA file.
    gbk2fasta                  Command to convert genbank files to fasta files.
    blasts                     Command to execute automatized blast commands.
    replace_fasta_seq          Command to replace strings in a FASTA using defitinitions from a BED file
    mpgap2csv                  Command to summarize main mpgap multiqc assembly statistics into a CSV file
    bacannot2json              Command to summarize main bacannot annotation results into JSON file

Use: `falmeida-py <commmand> -h` to get more help and see examples.


The usage is super simple:

falmeida-py align2subsetgbk \
    --gbk sample.gbk \
    --fasta genomic_islands.fna \
    --extension 50 \
    --culling_limit 2

Processing file: annotation/sample.gbk!
                        qseqid  qstart   qend   qlen       sseqid   sstart     send     slen  evalue  length  pident  gaps  gapopen  bitscore
0  NC_016845.1_1287077_1326610       1  39533  39533  NC_016845.1  1287078  1326610  5333942     0.0   39533   100.0     0        0     73004
1  NC_016845.1_1778390_1811349       1  32959  32959  NC_016845.1  1778391  1811349  5333942     0.0   32959   100.0     0        0     60864
2  NC_016845.1_2286181_2305760       1  19579  19579  NC_016845.1  2286182  2305760  5333942     0.0   19579   100.0     0        0     36156
3  NC_016845.1_4049987_4083106       1  33119  33119  NC_016845.1  4049988  4083106  5333942     0.0   33119   100.0     0        0     61160
4  NC_016845.1_4821157_4858652       1  37495  37495  NC_016845.1  4821158  4858652  5333942     0.0   37495   100.0     0        0     69241


This command will align the genomic islands to the genbank to find the annotation features that are found inside the regions that align to these genomic islands.

In the example, the alignments coordinates will be “extendend” 50nt in both directions and, the two best alignments will be used for each sequence (from fasta).